The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada
Issue 11
- How to Tie the Belt the Gorindo Way
Photo cover Claudio Iedwab sensei, August 2011, by Roxanne Standefer
What is Gorindo?
Gorindo (study of five circles or spheres) is a contemporary Martial Art School, founded by Claudio A. Iedwab in 1990, integrating principles and techniques of Taekwondo, Karate-do, Savate, Ju-jutsu and Yoga with his personal research and study, developing it as a modern system with classical roots.
A primary principle of Gorindo is that learning should relate to individual capacity and skill and not be subject to competition between students or teacher and students.
The Learning Kiai (Part 7)
Working with others
It is important to learn to work with a partner to achieve a better performance. Since much of martial art technique involves the manipulation or avoidance of another, this may seem obvious, but it is quite different thing to practice against an opponent than to learn and practice with a partner in a cooperative way. There are two skills of the Learning Kiai that are acquired from working with another...
How to Tie the Belt the Gorindo Way
The belt, obi, is tied twice around the body with a knot in front and in such a way that the material is flat across the spine.
The ends should be of equal length at the front when you are finished.
The belt should rest comfortably low on the hips.
Do not tie the obi too tight or high because your breathing will be impeded and your sense of center or hara will be distorted.
Pearls of Gorindo...
"Train for 360 degrees around you, but initially attend one degree, then two, then three... until you cover the 360 like they are just one. That’s awareness"! - Claudio Iedwab - Gorindo Martial Art
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