The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada
Issue 12
- The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
- Junbi Undo Preparation - Warm-Up
Photo cover Roxanne Standefer sensei, October 2011, by Claudio Iedwab
The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
Ritsurei begins in ready stance (feet shoulder width apart) with both closed hands in front of and just below the belt, elbows almost fully extended and each hand in line with the shoulder of the same side. The eyes are directed forward or looking to the sensei or the highest rank student at that moment inside the dojo. It is an attitude of respect that asks for...
Preparation - Warm-Up (Part 1)
The purpose of the warm-up, junbi undo, is to gently and gradually prepare your body for more strenuous exercises to follow. Warming-up properly is essential. Do not practice a technique “cold”, because it puts a tremendous stress on the muscles, joints and connectors and can lead to injuries. Increase the temperature of the body gradually with warm-up exercises and proper breathing...
Pearls of Gorindo...
"It’s better to take two balanced steps than a long unstable one, although do not hesitate to do it when that one is the only one!" - Claudio Iedwab - Gorindo Martial Art
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