The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada
Issue 12
- The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
- Junbi Undo Preparation - Warm-Up
Photo cover Roxanne Standefer sensei, October 2011, by Claudio Iedwab
Preparation - Warm-Up (Part 2)
Achilles and Adductor Stretch
Stance: Stand with feet two shoulder widths apart.
Action: Bending forward slightly at the waist, support hands on upper thighs. Shift weight to one side as you gently begin to slide the other foot outward a few inches, maintaining the feet parallel to each other and soles flat on the floor. Keeping the heel of the supporting foot fully on the floor and the bent knee directly above that foot (pushing out gently with your elbow), continue to lower the body weight until you feel a gentle stretch in the inner thigh and the back of the ankle.
You may need to touch the floor in front of you or reach forward with both hands to maintain balance.
Level: It is more important to achieve the appropriate stretch than to lower yourself to the floor. Do not cheat by raising the heel of the supporting foot.
Comments: Keep both feet parallel and flat on the floor. Exercise caution with the position of the knees. Do not press down on the knee of the extended leg. Lower yourself slowly to maintain balance.
Hip Drop Stretch
Stance: Stand with feet two shoulder widths apart, pivot both feet to the left side, and drop right knee slowly to the floor.
Action: Place both hands palm down on the floor to the right side of the forward foot. Allow the rear leg to extend behind you, raising the rear knee and heel and dropping the hips toward the floor. Feel the gentle stretch in the hip, groin, and upper thigh. Hold and exhale for a count of 20, resting your weight on the whole of the forward foot, the ball of the rear foot, and the hands.
For the second phase, lift the hips and place the rear heel on the floor so the foot is at a 45° angle with toes toward the outside. Shift hands to each side of the forward foot and straighten both legs, raising the hips but keeping the upper body bent forward, with chest close to forward knee. Hold and exhale for a count of 20. Relax and raise the upper body gradually to a standing position.
Turn and repeat on the other side. Count to 20 for each phase on each side.
Level: Beginners may not be able to fully straighten the leg in the second phase. Extend slowly until a gentle tension is felt.
Comments: Ensure that the rear knee is raised off the floor in the first phase. Keep the spine straight, exhale, and do not bounce. Take care to not stand up too quickly or you may feel a short period of dizziness or disorientation.
Groin Stretch
Stance: Sit comfortably on the floor with spine straight, legs open, and feet two shoulder widths apart.
Action: Bend knees and grasp one ankle at a time to bring both feet toward groin with the soles together. Let your elbows drop to the inside of the thighs and push slowly down, leaning the body slightly forward until you feel a gentle tension.
For the next phase, reach forward to grasp feet above the ankles again. With spine straight, pull upward on the ankles and pull your chest forward toward the feet. Exhale and hold for a count of ten at the point of gentle tension.
Level: For more advanced elongation, bring feet closer to the groin.
Comments: Pay careful attention to keeping the spine straight and eyes looking forward.
Leg and Lower Back
Stance: Sit with legs apart in front of you.
Action: Bring heel of right foot in toward the groin. Turn upper body to face the extended left leg and, grasping this leg, pull the chest down toward the knee.
Keep the spine straight and neck and head in line with spine. Exhale and hold at the point of gentle tension. Relax and repeat on the other side.
Level: Variations may include pointing toes or fully flexing them in order to engage different muscle groups in calf or thigh.
Comments: For the basic exercise, feet should be relaxed but with toes pointing up on the extended leg. Do not lower head to knee, but rather feel that you are pulling chest to knee.
Legs Open and Drop Chest, Side
Stance: Sit on the floor, spine straight, legs open and relaxed, without locking or bending the knees.
Action: Rotate the chest toward left leg and let the chest drop gently to the knee in a down and forward motion. Grasp the leg sufficiently to hold the stance, not to pull. Progressively, reach first for the thigh, then the knee, followed by the shin and finally the ankle. Those who desire an extra stretch should reach beyond the foot and clasp both hands in front of the sole of the foot.
Look toward the foot and elongate the spine. The action will be noticeable on the back of the legs and lower back. The degree of difficulty will increase with opening of the legs. Exhale as you drop the torso, then maintain a comfortable breathing rhythm.
Comments: Pay careful attention to keeping the spine straight and head up, and do not bounce.
Legs Open and Drop Chest, Center
Stance: Sit on the floor, spine straight, legs wide open and relaxed, without locking or bending the knees.
Action: Slide both hands forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the groin. Hold this position for four breaths. Then flex elbows toward the ground and drop the chest in a forward and down direction to elongate the back. Hold the stance and breathe four cycles more. Once this position is comfortable, slide the hands a bit forward and repeat the action of the breathing and hold cycle.
Look forward, keeping your head in line with your spine. The degree of difficulty will increase with the opening of the legs. Exhale when you lower the torso but do not hold the breath. Establish a comfortable breathing rhythm. Back off the stretch a little bit if breathing is difficult.
Comments: Do Not Bounce.
Pay careful attention to keeping the spine straight. When holding the extended positions and increasing the degree of difficulty, support the weight of your upper body on the hands, otherwise the back muscles will act in tension and it will be counterproductive to their elongation. If you can lower the chest to the ground without forcing it, the stance and the breathing becomes very relaxed and refreshing.
Stance: Lie on back, legs flexed with the feet on the ground, hands raised forward in front. Keep the chin one fist distance away from the chest, and look to the knees.
Action: Slowly contract the abdomen and raise the upper back from the floor, reaching for the knees.
Exhale, returning slowly and gently to the floor.
Comments: The degree of effort will change when the hands reach above the knees. Focus on your abdominal muscles only and do not raise your torso completely. Rest between sets with the back on the floor and breathe comfortably.
This is not a flexibility exercise but a way to build abdominal strength to avoid back problems. We recommend attention and caution and not doing them when tired.
by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual and “The Secret Art of Health & Fitness – Uncovered from the Martial Arts Masters” by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
©2011 Photos & Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab
- The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
- Junbi Undo Preparation - Warm-Up
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