The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada
Issue 12
- The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
- Junbi Undo Preparation - Warm-Up
Photo cover Roxanne Standefer sensei, October 2011, by Claudio Iedwab
Preparation - Warm-Up (Part 3)
Hip and Lower Back
Stance: Lie on the back, legs extended, and hands at side.
Action: Slowly raise left knee to chest and grasp hands around shin. Pull leg in toward chest and hold, exhaling slowly for a count of ten. Keep spine straight and opposite hip and thigh flat on the floor for maximum benefit.
For phase two, cross the bent knee to the opposite (right) side, with the thigh at a 90° angle to the length of the body, and pull the knee gently down toward the floor with the right hand. Do not try to reach the floor with the knee if this alters spine alignment. Keep both shoulders on the floor and allow the back to turn gently. Exhale and hold for a count of ten. Return knee to chest and hold again for a count of ten. Relax and extend leg. Repeat on other side. When changing legs, fully extend the leg just bent before bending the new one. Avoid having both legs in the air at the same time as this can overload the lower spine. All movements should be done slowly.
Comments: Pay close attention to your spine and hip alignment. The point of the first part of this exercise is not to raise the knee as high or close as you can. If the upper thigh lifts from the floor and the spine bends, the target muscle is not being stretched. Relax the rest of your body and breathe comfortably.
Full Extension
Stance: Lie on your back, with legs straight and together, with arms fully extended above head.
Action: Extend toes and fingers, reaching and stretching with hands side by side as far as possible above head. Tense and hold for a count of three, then relax and exhale.
Hip Rotation
Stance: Stand with feet shoulder width apart.
Action: With hands on hips, gently rotate hips in a circular motion, beginning with small circles and spiralling outward.
Comments: Allow knees and ankles to flex with the rotation. Maintain head at rest in the center position, moving body around it. Exhale.
Knee Rotations
Stance: Stand with feet together.
Action: Bend the knees and reach down with heel of hands to stabilize kneecaps. Begin with small slow circles of the knees, spiralling outward into a larger rotation that includes movements of the ankles.
Comments: Observe the shift of body weight from toes to sides of feet and heels. Ensure that both feet are receiving an equal and balanced load.
Head Rotation
Stance: Standing with feet shoulder width apart.
1. With hands relaxed at sides, gently turn the head to one side for the duration of one slow exhalation. Return to center and repeat on the other side. Maintain chin on the horizontal plane with the head vertical.
2. From center position slowly lower ear towards shoulder. Exhale. Return to center and repeat on other side.
3. From center, lower head forward chin down. Raise chin and look up to a point of gentle extension. Do not allow your head to drop back.
4. Look to one side and then slowly lower the head exhaling while moving in a gentle semi-circle to the other side.
Return head in opposite direction along the same semi-circular path. DO NOT continue the circle to the back of the neck, in order to protect the vertebrae from grinding together.
Comment: Lead with the eyes. Do not overextend. Avoid discomfort. Keep jaw relaxed, mouth closed.
Keep shoulders lowered and relaxed.
Keep eyes open for balance.
Casting Petals to the Winds - Gorindo Breathing Exercise
Basic: Stand with feet together, hands palm up, fingertips together in front of you, cradling your hara or ki center just below your navel (a). With a gentle rocking motion, step forward while bringing your hands up the center of your body as you inhale. As your hands pass the level of your face rotate them to a palms up and thumbs up position, then push upward toward the sky in front of you (b). With arms fully extended, begin exhalation as arms describe an extended outside circle to the sides of the body (c). Step backward gently as you complete the circle (d) and return to starting position (e). Repeat alternating forward foot.
Intermediate: Push and tense with isometric pressure at the closing of the circle as you return hands to center. Try to feel that you are describing a sphere with your body, breath, and mind. Take care that your eyes look forward and upward on the extension but without your head falling back onto the neck. The rocking motion of the step involves walking heel first and then shifting the weight to the ball of the foot as the heel of the trailing foot lifts off the ground. To return, reverse the process. Proceed with the motions without stopping in between.
Comments: This exercise is useful to recover the breath after vigorous activity or being winded. Although taught as a breathing exercise for the student within the Gorindo program, it has a practical self-defense application as well. This technique relies on the breaking strength achieved from the exhalation of air and can be used to defend from a double wrist grab, or in this case, a front choking grab. The defender steps into the opponent, raises hands in front and above, and exhales as hands move in an outward circle, breaking the hold and, if desired, trapping the opponent’s arms under his own as he completes the lower portion of the circular movement.
by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual and “The Secret Art of Health & Fitness – Uncovered from the Martial Arts Masters” by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
©2011 Photos & Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab
- The Meaning of the Bow - Ritsurei
- Junbi Undo Preparation - Warm-Up
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