The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada
Issue 17
- Knife Hand Strike / Palm Down - Shuto-Uchi
Photo cover "Claudio Iedwab's Winter hands" by ©2012 Roxanne Standefer
Front Kick - Mae-geri

From kumite no kamae (fighting stance) bring the rear knee up and forward, chambering and pointing the knee towards the target. Simultaneously pivot on the ball of the supporting foot, advancing the heel 45°. This permits the rotation of the hip to obtain more power and distance from the same position, as well as better balance on the base foot. Now straighten the knee by swinging the foot forward quickly in a snapping action (keage) drawing a pendulum curve.
As the foot is extended exhale your air to improve power, and simultaneously tense your abdomen. Do not fully extend the leg (hyperextension) as this can cause damage to the joint and surrounding tissue under repetitive strain. Immediately return the foot and knee to the raised (chambering) position. This rechambering is extremely important for avoiding loss of balance, or an opponent grabbing or striking your leg (or groin for example), as well as for preparing a repeat kick or linking combination.
Always keep your guard up, protecting the chest and the face. You can make contact with the ball of the foot, toes, instep, outside edge, sole or heel, depending on where you kick, your power, and experience. In the beginning practice the kick with raised toes, so your contact area will be the ball of the foot (metatarsal).
When you practice mae geri or other techniques, keep the target low: shin, knee, groin. Concentrate on the progressive adaptation of the leg muscles, balance, equilibrium, and correct motion. The usefulness of low kicks in self-defence gives you ample reason to focus your training techniques there, and you will have good results more quickly. Learn to be precise and 100% accurate at the knee level. When you are ready to kick higher, the technique will be refined along with the flexibility and improved balance.
There are many mae geri we can perform in different angles and directions, starting from the same stance.
These are advanced applications and you will learn them in time. This is why even the most advanced student needs to practice kihon –basic techniques- and always has more to learn. Basic does not always mean simple. This is a very important concept for all the Gorindo techniques.
The spectra of angles and combinations will depend of your physical condition, stretching, experience, imagination and strategies. All the kicks have to be natural in action, fluid and with constant control, always returning to the guard position. To kick well isn’t easy, it takes time and perseverance, but the advantages in terms of defensive technique, distancing, physical conditioning and the general good feeling you get from “kicking up your heels” makes the effort worthwhile.
Common Corrections
• Losing balance because of improper foot positioning, lack of focus, kicking too high.
• Opening the guard, losing body or head protection.
• Not rechambering the knee after the kick, resulting in difficulty recovering the leg. Remember, “control your leg, don’t let your leg control you”. Moving your head backwards instead of pushing forward with the hip. This is an instinctive way to get balance but really you lose hip power.
• Not pivoting on the ball of the base foot. If you try to use the hip for more distance or power in this position, you will bring up the heel and lose balance, or not be able to bend the base knee contributing to stress and injury to the joints and lack of control in the kick.
• Bringing up the heel of the base foot, causing loss of balance and stress to the foot. Common at the beginners level.
by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer
©2012 Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab / ©2011 Photo by Roxanne Standefer
- Knife Hand Strike / Palm Down - Shuto-Uchi
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