
Magazine • the Silk Thread of Gorindo
The Silk Thread of Gorindo cover

The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada

Issue 22

- Belts & Titles

- Kihon - Practicing Stances - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Strikes - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level

- Pearls of Gorindo...

Photo cover 'Claudio Iedwab Sensei & Kiito Yodan Kata’ by ©2012 Roxanne Standefer



Belts & Titles


Belts and TitlesWe cannot always tell how advanced a martial artist is by his belt or his title. Some schools have different requirements or standards than others. This means that a blue belt in one school may have studied different things for his belt, or in some cases the blue belt is a different step on the ladder.

In Japanese we call the coloured belt levels kyu, and they begin with the highest number, usually the ninth, and graduate to first kyu, the level before....

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Kihon - Practicing Stances - Intro Level


zenkutsu dachiDuring the following exercises, be sure that you assume and maintain the precise posture. Progressively hold each one of them a little longer while your leg muscles are adjusting and getting stronger.

Exhale your air as you drop the center of gravity and bend the knees.


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Kihon - Practicing Strikes - Intro Level


choku zukiThe following exercises are executed in parallel stance.

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Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level


At the beginning be sure to execute this technique in two parts, preparation (or chambering) first, and then the block itself. Later you will find that both steps will become more fluid and without stops...

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Pearls of Gorindo...


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