
Magazine • the Silk Thread of Gorindo
The Silk Thread of Gorindo cover

The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada

Issue 22

- Belts & Titles

- Kihon - Practicing Stances - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Strikes - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level

- Pearls of Gorindo...

Photo cover 'Claudio Iedwab Sensei & Kiito Yodan Kata’ by ©2012 Roxanne Standefer



Kihon - Practicing Strikes - Intro Level


The following exercises are executed in parallel stance.


Choku-zuki (two fists)


choku zuki

choku zukiAction:

Two simultaneous strikes, chest level -chudan- forward directly from the hips. Check correct position of elbows and fists. 10 times slow motion, followed by 30 times medium speed.

Repeat the same, executing the sequence at low abdomen level -gedan-.

Repeat the same executing the sequence at face level -shodan-.


- Inhale while you bring the fist to the hip and exhale when you strike forward. Do not hyperextend elbows.

- Exhale the air during the action and inhale just before the next strike. Let breathing adjust naturally to the motion. Avoid hyperventilation.























Choku-zuki (single fist)

choku zukiAction: Alternate fist strikes, forward from the hip, alternating left/right, chest level -chudan-. 10 times slow motion, followed by 30 times medium speed.choku zuki

Repeat the same, executing the sequence at low abdomen level -gedan-.

Repeat the same, executing the sequence at face level -shodan-.


- Do not hyperextend the elbow. Avoid leading with the shoulder.


All the exercises and techniques should be practice only under the direct and personal supervision of an authorized Gorindo instructor, they are presented as a form of an online sample guideline for active and registered ‘Intro Level’ Gorindo students.

















by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

© Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab



- Belts & Titles

- Kihon - Practicing Stances - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Strikes - Intro Level

- Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level

- Pearls of Gorindo...


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