
Magazine • the Silk Thread of Gorindo
The Silk Thread of Gorindo cover

The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada

Issue 23

- Keeping in Line with Your Spine (Part 1)

- Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level

- Pearls of Gorindo...

Photo cover Roxanne Standefer Sensei & Kiito Shichidan Kata’ by ©2012 Claudio Iedwab

The wooden sculpture "Jetée" is the work of Toronto architects and artists Steven Beites and Christian Joakim, and it is located at the Ottawa end of the Alexandra Bridge.



Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level


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shodan age ukeShodan-age-uke (zenkutsu-dachi)

1st Section

Action: Both hands on the hips, assume front stance with left foot forward.

High block with one forearm only. 10 times slow motion, followed by 20 times medium speed.


- Check position of elbow and fist carefully.

Once you have done the repetitions return to the parallel stance in a very formal way. So, then you are ready for the other side action and repetitions.




2nd Section

Action: Return to the first part of this exercise but now in the same stance left foot forward, follow with alternate high blocks, left/right, face level -shodan-. 10 times slow motion, followed by 20 times medium speed. Once it is finished then repeat with the right foot forward.



























All the exercises and techniques should be practice only under the direct and personal supervision of an authorized Gorindo instructor, they are presented as a form of an online sample guideline for active and registered ‘Intro Level’ Gorindo students.


by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

© Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab



- Keeping in Line with Your Spine (Part 1)

- Kihon - Practicing Defences - Intro Level

- Pearls of Gorindo...


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