
Magazine • the Silk Thread of Gorindo
Sunny shuto<br />©2013 Photo by Claudio Iedwab

The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada

Issue 28

- The Process of Teaching (Part 3)

- Kihon - Basic Level Practice

- Pearls of Gorindo...

Cover 'Sunny shuto' - Photo by ©2013 Claudio Iedwab



Andreas focus gloveThe Process of Teaching (Part 3)


The learning and the consequent acquisition of techniques will depend on the development and integrity of the neuromuscular system, the physical state of the individual and the conditions of the surroundings. After having learned something, mental or physical...


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Kihon - Basic Level Practice


gorindo - stepping chudan oi-tsuki• The following sequences are for the purpose of coordinating the stepping with the action of the upper body.

To start, please take your time and don’t speed up until the action of arms and legs are in unison and smooth...


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Pearls of Gorindo...


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